パンデミックインフルエンザ対策枠組み"Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework for the Sharing of Influenza Viruses and Access to Vaccines and other Vaccines" の内容を紹介していきます。



  1. WHO加盟国は、WHO事務局と連携して、PIP利益共有システムに貢献するとともに、関連機関、団体、インフルエンザワクチンの製造企業、インフルエンザ診断器具の製造企業、インフルエンザ薬の製造企業、公衆衛生の研究者へ、このシステムに適切な貢献をするよう求めます。
  2. PIP利益共有システムは以下の目的のために実行されます。
    (i) パンデミックサーベイランス、リスク調査、早期警戒情報及びサービスをすべての国に提供すること。
    (ii) 適当なときに、WHO加盟国へ利益を提供すること。この利益にはパンデミックサーベイランス、リスク調査、早期警戒情報及びサービスにおけるキャパシティビルディングが含まれます。
    (iii) 重要な利益(インフルエンザウイルスH5N1に対する抗ウイルス薬やワクチン、人間に大流行する恐れのあるその他のインフルエンザウイルス等を含む)を、途上国(特に被災国)や、公衆衛生のリスクとニーズに照らして、その中でも特に、インフルエンザワクチン、インフルエンザ診断器具、インフルエンザ薬を生産したり、アクセスしたりする能力を持っていない国に、優先すること。
  3. PIP利益共有システムはこの部分のリマインダーに示された要素を含みます。
  4. WHOは適当なIHR(International Health Regulation, 国際保健規約)の定めと本枠組みに沿って、インフルエンザパンデミックの準備と対応を調整します。本枠組みに大まかに示された利益について、WHOは、公衆衛生のリスクとニーズに基づくパンデミック期、この期間にはインフルエンザパンデミックの疫学も含まれますが、公平で、衡平で、透明に、乏しい医療資源(ワクチン、抗ウイルス薬、診断器具も含まれるが、これに限られません)を割り当てることを促進するための政策と慣習に特別の注意を払うべきです。間パンデミック期の間、WHOは先に述べた役割に備えるべく、WHO加盟国や関連する利害関係者と協働します。


    6.1 General

    6.1.1. Member States should, working with the WHO Secretariat, contribute to a pandemic influenza benefit-sharing system and call upon relevant institutions, organizations, and entities, influenza vaccines, diagnostics and pharmaceutical manufacturers and public health researchers to also make appropriate contribution to this system.

    6.1.2 The PIP Benefit Sharing System will operate to:

       (i) provide pandemic surveillance and risk assessment and early warning information and services to all countries;
       (ii) provide benefits, including, where appropriate, capacity building in pandemic surveillance, risk assessment, and early warning information and services to Member States.
       (iii) prioritize important benefits, such as and including antiviral medicines and vaccines against H5N1 and other influenza viruses with human pandemic potential as high priorities, to developing countries, particularly affected countries, according to public health risk and needs and particularly where those countries do not have their own capacity to produce or access influenza vaccines, diagnostics and pharmaceuticals. Prioritization will be based on assessment of public health risk and need, by experts with transparent guidelines;
       (iv) build capacity in receiving countries over time for and through technical assistance and transfer of technology, skills and know-how and expanded influenza vaccine production, tailored to their public health risk and needs.

    6.1.3 The pandemic influenza preparedness Benefit Sharing System will include the elements set out in the remainder of this part.

    6.1 bis WHO Coordination of pandemic influenza preparedness and response

    WHO will coordinate influenza pandemic preparedness and response in accordance with applicable IHR provisions and this Framework. As regards to the benefits outlined in this Framework, WHO should pay particular attention to policies and practices that promote the fair, equitable and transparent allocation of scarce medical resources (including, but not limited to, vaccines, antivirals and diagnostic materials) during pandemics based on public health risk and needs, including the epidemiology of the pandemic. During inter-pandemic periods, WHO will work with Member States and relevant stakeholders to prepare for the aforementioned role.

    Source: pp. 13, World Health Organization, Pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefit.
    URL:http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA64/A64_8-en.pdf, downloaded on June 19, 2011.
